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Please note that I am not accepting new clients at the moment.

There are times in life that are challenging. And sometimes they can last a long time. If you are going through such a time, it may seem you are the only one going through it.

Please know that we all are going through something, and nobody has their life all figured out all the time (as it may appear from the outside). You are not alone.

I am saying that because realizing you are not alone makes many people feel better. I hope you find relief in my words.

Nothing lasts forever. And this time, too, shall pass. You can choose to change it.
I offer you my supporting hand and invite you to reconnect with yourself, find a new path for your life, and begin to live your life according to your purpose.



  • looking for a purpose in life
  • feeling unhappy or stuck at work or in life
  • lacking motivation
  • facing a decision
  • thinking of starting a business
  • the same scenarios keep repeating themselves in your life
  • you feel like you don't have enough time for yourself
  • you want to get to know and understand yourself better


Imagine it as a conversation with someone you trust. Someone who gets you. 

First, I will ask you about your situation and your story. I will be looking for your values, needs, and dreams and also limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Then we will map out possible ways to a new reality. 

I will not only ask questions. I work with the body (postures, somatic awareness) and subconscious mind as well. I will choose techniques based on the situation. 

Experience in clients’ words

“When I met Marta, I had two jobs, was exhausted and on the edge of burnout. Marta helped me to slow down, connect with myself and realise what was most important to me. Thanks to her, I got the courage to face an uncomfortable situation and stand up for myself.”

Andrea Chmielová

“Marta coaches with great naturalness. She knows how to tune in deeply to others. She guides you to your own answers that liberate and show the potential of the situation. I always leave a session with her with clarity in my mind and joy in my heart.”

Adéla Dragounová

“Marta guided me through an NLP method. Thanks to this, I became aware of my next steps and, most importantly – what I want my inner settings to be, which will help me on my journey, so I don't get lost in conflicting information. I am now more balanced and calmer.”

Libuše Šťastná
Life Coach in Training

I experience Marta as a very professional, kind and mindful coach who has helped me arrive at extremely positive outcomes. She has worked with me in the role as a coach and as an accountability partner which has felt beautifully supportive and empowering.”

Ian Robertson
Senior HR Consultant for Learning and Development, City of Edinburgh Council, FCIPD

“Miss Štolfová is a very kind and emphatic person. She has the ability to totally dive into your “story” and what I really appreciated is that she is eager to help you find the solution or way how to do things. I enjoyed the fact that I was not rushed anywhere and she provided a great amount of patience, support, and time to think things through. It was a joy to talk to her.”

Katarína Čelková, English Teacher

“I must honestly say that Marta surprised me in a very positive way. After a session, I was able to realize the facts that had been holding me back in many decisions in my life for a long time. I gained much more inner strength and energy to move my dreams forward. Through her coaching, I found within myself a roadmap for moving closer to what fulfills me as a person.”

Markéta Vitásková, Mum in Marketing

“Coaching with Marta brought order to chaotic topics in my life and calmed me. I liked the space she gave me to think for myself. The coaching pushed me in the right direction. I recommend getting coached by her.”

Veronika Ligocká
Office Manager

“With Marta, I've found a way to go deeper into clarity and awareness. I experienced a shift in terms of courage to explore intense emotions. I have more clarity, more confidence, more desire and courage to explore dark zones that create discomfort for me. I have worked on the relationship with my mother, which was okay at the beginning and is now exciting.”

Pat Simonini
Music Producer & Art and Performance Coach

Price and conditions


Single Coaching Session (60 minutes) …………………………………………. 1.500 CZK / 65 EUR

3-month Coaching Package (6 x 60 minutes) …………………………. 6.000 CZK / 250 EUR

VIP Coaching Package (4+ months) ……………………………………………… individual pricing

*Small perspective shifts are possible in a single session. However, I recommend working continuously (at least for three months) to make a lasting change in life. 


Coaching can take place in four languages: English, Spanish, Czech, and Slovak.


We will meet online or in person in Prague-Vršovice, Czech Republic. An additional cost of 200 CZK per hour applies for in-person meetings.

My main goal will be to connect you with your inner wisdom and with your power. At the end of the session, you will be empowered and see possibilities you have not seen before.

You will be freer in your next steps and decisions. You will gain more clarity and a deeper understanding of yourself or the situation.

I will help you get new perspectives and make a shift. 

I ask you to be willing to get impacted. Come with an open mind and stay in the process. 

You have all it takes to feel better. Do the first step by filling out the form below.

Professional formation

Some people like this…

  • PSYCH-K Facilitator Certification (Basic + Advanced) Training led by Brunhild Hofmann (2/2020 + 9/2020)
  • Personal development Coach – coaching program with NLP techniques (AKOR certification) accredited by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic led by Mgr. Markéta Hamrlová, Ph.D. (2 – 6/2018)
  • Self-discovery seminars with a crossover into body-oriented psychotherapy led by psychotherapist Mgr. Petr Knotek (ongoing since 2015)
  • Burnout prevention workshop by Mgr. Gabriela Schwarzová (2019)
  • Lecturing skills – a series of workshops led by Mgr. Gabriela Schwarzová (5-7/2018)
  • Course for organizers of events for youths – Teamwork, Pedagogy, Psychology, Communication, Event organization (10/2014 – 5/2015)

Online courses

  • Holistic Coaching taught by Margaret Moore, MBA (online, 2022)
  • Coaching Leaders conducted by Michael Neill (online, 2022)
  • Coaching Love Relationships led by Jan and Monika Zands (online, 2022)
  • Four levels of Coaching taught by Christine Hassler (online, 2021)
  • Spiritual Life coaching taught by Christy Whitman (online, 2021)

Formal education:

  • The University of Applied Psychology, Terezín (2012 – 2014), Field: Personal and intercultural management
  • Prague University of Economics and Business, Prague (2008 – 2012), Field: Business Economics and Management